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62 results found

  1. Sunshine Committee

    In Texas, every few years, each agency has to go before the sunshine committe to determine if the agency still serves a legitimate purpose. I think Idaho needs to do something similar.

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  2. Return Maintenance and Operations to the Property Tax

    The ill planned tax shift passed during the special session has seriously decreased the revenue for the state. This decrease in revenue is severely impacting schools and other important programs.

    Homeowner occupied properties should continue to be exempt from the M&O portion of property tax. This plan was proposed, but never was given a chance for debate by the legislature. It is time to bring it back.

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  3. 11 votes

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  4. Consolidate Dept of Labor, Voc Rehab, Industrial Commission

    Create a one stop shop for citizens: Dept of Labor and Vocational Rehabilitative Services. Labor is primarily federally funded. The vocation rehabilitiatve services of the Industrial Commission are primarily funded from dedicated funds. Voc Rehab receives a fair chunk of funding from the state general fund. If we consolidated these agencies, we could absorb some of the IT, HR, Admin, and support redundancies.

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. Make Employees/Employers Responsible

    Employee's that do not do their jobs, take up space and resources, should be fired. It's time to get rid of the good ol' boy system and make people accountable. That's a big savings alone.

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  7. Get a New Parks & Rec Director

    Fire the Director of Parks & Rec! When faced with the reality that P & R will be eliminated, she now comes up with a $4.5 million dollar business plan. NOW she'll begin to operate the agency like a business? Really?! What was she doing for the last 4 years? If a director in the private sector operated that inefficiently, they would get canned. Run it like a business and can the director.

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  8. Lean Methodology in State Government

    The state of Idaho should implement lean methodology in its operation. It should operate in a manner of continuous process improvement, much like the private sector (regardless of the state of the economy).

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  9. Change constitution & have legislature meet every other year

    The constitution requires the legislature meet every year. Propose legislation changing this. If an emergency occurred, the Governor could call a special session of the legislature. It seems like legislators spend the 60 + days they are in Boise squabbling with one another. Limit the squabbling to every other year.

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  10. 4 votes

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. 12 votes

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  13. Change Idaho Schools!

    I think schools should go down to a four day week because it would cost the government less money, and the money parents would be spending would help out the day cares, and help the economy because those day cares will have more money to spend which in turn will put more money into our economy.  This way schools could spend the money they get on keeping extra curricular programs like sports and art classes while keeping the budget down because they wont have to pay to have the kids there another day.  Also, maybe increasing lunch prices by $.50
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  14. 1 vote

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  15. Eliminate Tobacco

    I think that Idaho should outlaw or extremely limit the use of tobacco products. Annually, the state governments spend 13.3 billion dollars paying for medical issues that are a direct result of smoking. That amounts to over 26 million dollars (on average) per state. Were smoking to be eliminated or severely restricted, that would be 26 million more dollars that could be put towards something else.

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  16. Taking away the SAT and ACT tests

    I believe in order to save money the state should cut the SAT and ACT tests. These tests do not determine if one is smart enough or not for college. A student’s school transcripts show enough. They show if the student tried to push themselves and take hard classes. The transcripts show if the student tried or not all four years of high school. One test that students dread to take one early Saturday morning I believe definitely does not show how smart a student is. If we cut these tests, the state will not have to pay for the…

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  17. I have a plan to make Idaho free of the juggernaut of health insurance and malpractice.

    Free us of the healthcare burden. Create tax free, direct pay, group healthcare accounts, no insurance middle man. Limit liability for doctors so that they don't need malpractice ins. The state can start the program and blue cross can go monopolize some other state. No more dozens of office workers trying to get one bill paid. See the rest of the plan on Facebook. The National Rational Party under groups.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Propose state projects to improve our infrastructure so that Out of State businesses relocate here!!

    Our schools, roads and city services need to reflect that we as a state are ready to grow! Do not look to one sector, as in tourism. Look for green, non-polluting businesses to relocate here because we have good schools, hospitals, Universities where they make sense to help THEM and our communities viable alternatives to other places.

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  20. senators should be appointed

    I believe that we should change both the US constitution and the Idaho constitution and have the Senators be appointed again like the original intent of the framers was. The role of the Senator has been change and not for the good, the senator should not be representing the interests of the people but that of the state, while the representatives will represent the people.

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