Statewide 4 day workweek
The State of Utah operates a 4 day workweek. This has yielded annual savings of $4.8 million dollars. This savings came from (1) Decrease in overtime from state employees, (2) Energy savings, (3) Reduction in janitorial contracts, and (4) decrease of 3 million miles on the state fleet. After a year of operating a 4 day work week, 82% of Utah state employees found this schedule favorable. * Excluded from the 4 day work week were those agencies such as Dept. of Correction, Dept. of Juvenile Corrections, etc.

Sang Froid commented
There are already state employees within certain departments that are saving the state money by working four tens! The rest of the state should follow suit.
frank53tank commented
I think that four day work weeks would really help saving and creating more revenues for the state of Idaho. In the state of Utah the four day work weeks have greatly increased the amount of savings for the state. The savings came from decreased overtime, and I believe that if Idaho were to follow this same plan the benefits would be substantial. The people of the state of Utah also favor the four day weeks; the four day week schedule is more enjoyable and gives people more time off and more time for themselves
Theodore Guindon commented
If 4 day work weeks would help the state balance it's budget, that is what should happen. This has NOTHING to do with schools. Having government workers off on Friday has nothing to do with school.
Steve Rayborn commented
The original proposal in Utah was passed during the time gas was over $4.00 a gallon and expectations were much higher in savings, but there was substantial savings due to the tremendous drop in overtime after going to the 4-10 hour day schedule. Idaho has already cut overtime in almost every department and held employee new hires to a minimum with exceptions only in extreme need situations. The 4-10 hour day schedule would be a very worthwhile experiment, but in the depts of Ed and Prof Tech Ed, the school districts would have to be on the same schedule or be very aware that support would not be available on Fridays.
matthew h smith commented
This needs to happen in conjunction with the schools going to 4 days. The two are intricately linked.
Megan Butler commented
Agree. Is there a Like feature on this like FB?
Joe Swank commented
I would ask in the 4 days they are working, how much overtime is there on those days? I would suggest keeping automobiles for 5 to 10 years instead of replacing them with new ones every other year, that alone would save millions. I drive a very reliable 1996 Pontiac, I do not see why the state employees need a better car then I drive.
vicki mueller-funaiole commented
A flexible schedule for state employees to decrease number of worked days is an excellent idea. Not only benefiting the budget but the environment. Consider at home work for those working primarily on the computer.