It's time to raise taxes on high-income Idahoans and close sales tax loopholes.

Sang Froid commented
Sorry Kathy, but you showed the ignorance that many have about taxes. A slight increase in taxes has a disproportionately higher detrimental effect on the economy. WEFA spells it out correctly. By the way, I am in the low to middle class and do not begrudge most rich people the money they have.
Theodore Guindon commented
What a sad, ignorant statement that was. It is wrong on so many planes that there isn't enough space here to rip it apart.
Kathy Spangler commented
Slight increases in taxes do not have extremely detrimental effects on any individual, but collectively can go a long way to reducing budget deficits. The absolute refusal of the governor and the majority of the legislature to even look at the revenue side of the budget equation is short-sighted and quite frankly displays their ignorance. The majority of people I know are willing to pay a little more in taxes rather than lose their jobs, have their hours cut, or see necessary services hamstringed.
wefa commented
Most high-income idahoans run thier own businesses. They worked very hard to get where they are today. If you raise taxes on them, then essentially, they will have less money to pay their employees. With less money to pay them, they might have to let some of them go to compensate the higher taxes. Therefore, you have more people out of jobs, just because you think that taxes should be raised for higher-income people of Idaho. We instead should reduce taxes for everyone. People will have more money and will be able to hirer more people to work for them, creating more jobs and lower the unemployment rate. Its the "Trickle-down" theory and according to graphs and to the study of economics and human nature, it would work.
Theodore Guindon commented
Taxes on earnings are unconstitutional as they are implemented in the United States. Sales tax is a justifiable tax; and, if there are any loopholes that are not lawful, they should be closed. I am in the middle to low-middle class on the "income" scale and I recognize that people with money are the ones who make every major corporation expand and increase hiring. Small businesses are striving for a better life and that normally translates into becoming wealthier. The byproduct of that is also employing more people. Taking away the emotion of greed would destroy corporate America and cause millions to be unemployeed.