Drug test anyone receiving Government aid money.
Drug test anyone receiving any government money such as Section 8 and Food Stamps. If they fail the test then revoke their cash flow and spend it somewhere else that will make a difference. At the very least, spend the money to enroll them in a drug rehab program instead of letting them continue to suck our system dry.

Alec commented
I think this is a good idea. People reciveing money need to be responsible people willing to work their way out of debt.
Theodore Guindon commented
Don't do the drug test nor give out welfare. If you are going to give away money, require the person to work in the local library, school, hospital, or some government office. Nothing should be for free because it breeds laziness and to expect something for nothing.
Kimberly commented
how are we as a state going to pay for all these drug test??? I don't want my tax payer money paying for drug rehab for somebody who doesn't want rehabilitated. I think food stamps should be food specific so they are not out buying steak, soda pop, ice cream etc. It should be more basic like bread, milk, cereal, etc. In my home we are on a budget and we only buy goodies (steak, ice cream, etc) when we have a little extra so why should tax payer's money buy them luxury food??
Sang Froid commented
This would go a long way to help curb many of the problems in our society.
cjinid commented
I agree. If I have to submit to a drug/alcohol test to work & receive my pay check, why shouldn't these people on welfare, food stamps & unemployment have to do the samething.