Create new power production by use of magnetic motors.
a) This is real technology and works. ( see )
b) This will reduce and/or eliminate the need for oil based motor use and consumption.
c) This is environment friendly.
d) This will create jobs!
Ideally, long-term benefits would include reducing or eliminating vehicle emissions, nuclear waste, dams on Idaho rivers, wind farms that become an eye-sore, and millions of miles of power lines and poles.
The world needs an upgrade.

drylogic commented
Actually, by definition a magnet *IS* perpetual motion. i.e. ("A permanent magnet is an object made from a material that is magnetized and creates its own persistent magnetic field.")
Also the earth spinning is perpetual motion. So is a waterfall. We harness forces of nature everyday but do not discount the technology as impossible due to the implications of conservation of energy.
Flight by machine was also considered impossible at one time.
Its 2010 people. Why are we ignoring new breakthroughs in science when they are a solution to the OBVIOUS problems to fossil fuels?
Sang Froid commented
drylogic - anybody can submit a patent for a spinning wheel. There is nothing in the patent that describes the power output and what it could power if it did. As soon as you apply a load that exceeds its momentum, it stops. If you had paid attention in your physics class you would know that there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine.
drylogic commented
I love how quickly people are quick to shoot down ideas they do not themselves understand. Besides - if it was a joke I doubt there would be a patent(s).
Gary Dennis commented
I hope that this was meant as a joke. Your "real technology" is a hoax. Don't believe everything you see on youtube.
Joe Swank commented
That would be good if it worked, but when you add something like a generator and some torque it will probably fail.
Why would we want to get rid of the dams in Idaho, without those we might just as well go back to being a desert state of dry farmers..