Prohibit Cell Phone use while driving.
Seriously. It causes drivers to be more inattentive than a drunk driver. This includes texting and even receiving a phone call.

Tory Welfring commented
And furthermore, that would really hurt the automobile industry, especially in Idaho...
Tory Welfring commented
Receiving a phone call (while potentially wearing a headset) isn't even close to the same thing as texting. Texting takes your eyes off the road.
By your "logic", Joe Swank is most definitely correct; you shouldn't be listening to the radio, or talking to passengers in your car, or even having passengers in your car. That would mean that it wouldn't even be legal to take Driver's Education (because you need an instructor in the vehicle with you), so therefore nobody should be able to drive ever again...ever. Now, look at all the money we wasted on improving our roads!
Joe Swank commented
Why don't we eliminate the radio also and maybe put partitions between the people in cars, those ideas are just as bright.......while driving you can be distracted by many things should we just eliminate the public's ability to drive?
Megan Butler commented
I totally agree.