Texting and Driving!
Texting and driving has become a serious issue across the United States. It has been shown that the inattentiveness of a driver who is texting is just as dangerous as a drunk driver. It is apparent that this has become a huge problem with teenagers. I am currently attending a high school and am constantly confronted with this issue. It is extremely dangerous and there needs to be a way to fix this ongoing problem. I think one way to not only improve the safety of Idaho's roads but also increase the state's revenue would be to implement a fine on people who are found texting and driving.

Tory Welfring commented
I was aware of this long ago, but it still doesn't seem to be enforced as well as it should be, especially in relation to texting. And isn't that only in a specific county, or do I need to check my facts?
Joe Swank commented
Finish school then go study the law. there is already a law or regulation and a fine for inattentive driving on the books.