Send many fewer people to prison
Non-violent offenders should be sent to jail much less often. For those who committed non-violent crimes who also did not harm/steal the property of others, no jail time at all. In fact, why is anything that does not harm another person or another person's property a crime at all?

Cynthia Davis commented
Is it possible that the state could expand the use of non-violent offenders for infrastructure-improvement-projects? If more offenders lived at home paying their own bills but, had to show up for work everyday doing manual labor, simple office work... it seems like the savings would be two fold and we could get more improvements done which might help bring business to Idaho. My knowledge of Idaho's criminal justice system is very limited so I'm hoping someone can expand on this.
Joe Swank commented
so called crimes that harm no-one were put on the books to provide revenue to the cities, counties and the state.