Stop Project Filter's support of Snake River Stampede
At this year's Snake River Stampede, I was surprised to see that Project Filter sponsored either the barrel racing or the calf roping events. Why the heck is Project Filer sponsoring an event with such a specialized fan base?

CS commented
The Master Settlement Agreement was settled in 1998 between the attorneys general of many states and the tobacco industry. It was a way to recognize the harm that tobacco has caused and lawsuits were brought largely because the tobacco industry had practiced gross deception throughout the years - claiming that tobacco is harmless. It is the biggest tobacco settlement in history - and it funds the Millennium Fund. It is not taxpayer funded.
Joe Swank commented
CM, where did the tabacco industry get this money in the first place?
Kenny, where does the federal government get it's money?
you both missed the point of my comment, it was to say to Lucy saying they sponsor more then just one thing in their campaign. I personally believe it is a good campaign as long as it does not use public money to fund it.
Kenny commented
CM and Joe,
First of all, I would remind you that this is counter marketing against tobacco. Project Filter is in these venues because there is a high population of smokers at these events. Project Filter is offering free smoking cessation resources to people in an effort help those who are ready to quit using tobacco and providing it free of charge. It makes perfect sense to me. In addition, the money being used for sponsorships is federal money and not state money. So what's the big deal?
CM commented
LucyLuLee and Joe,
The comments you've both left are unfortunate and destructive. They're destructive because, since they're not based on fact, they leave a negative impression about what Project Filter does. The fact is, citizens of Idaho do NOT pay for Project Filter's sponsorships. The money for Project Filter's sponsorship of rodeos and racing comes from the Millennium Fund, which is money that the tobacco industries were required to hand over as recognition of the harm that tobacco use has created for decades. Furthermore, Project Filter sponsors rodeos, racing, and other sporting events because that's EXACTLY where we find most tobacco users. Did you know that the highest rates of smoking and chewing are among people who attend rodeos and raceways? Why sponsor health fairs? That would be a WASTE of money. The tobacco industry aggressively promotes its products at places like rodeos, raceways and baseball games, etc. What Project Filter is doing at the Stampede and raceways and other events is called "countermarketing" - it counters the pro tobacco messages of big tobacco with not only anti-tobacco messages but with the offer of free services to help people quit. The free services are made possible through grants and the Millennium fund as well! I'm a member of the Tobacco Free Idaho Alliance and if you're both interested, please feel free to attend one of our quarterly meetings where you can learn more about what Project Filter and many other organizations are doing throughout Idaho to help people quit using tobacco and to prevent kids from starting!
Joe Swank commented
They sponsor a race car also, so what would be the difference?