Cut classes for the mentally ill
My neighbor's kid is mentally retarded. She goes to classes to learn how to tie her shoe. seems like she has been taking this same calss for years. she is a sweet gal and i feel real bad asking but how many times does she need to take this class wehn i'm the one paying for it?

Alec commented
I don't know about this one... I think everyone should get an equal chance in school. Cutting classes for people less lucky would be unfair. Tax money should go to support every child in school.
Sally commented
Dumb idea.
Gordon commented
Frankie the tank obviously doesn't know the difference between a developmental disability and a mental illness.
Rhandi Aber commented
I hope you realize how lucky you and all those close to you are to be "normal". These children did not ask to be born the way they are. They are each special and individual. Special Education programs are tailored to meet each child's needs so that they can be the most productive citizens possible for their individual bodies. This is nothing less than they deserve and no more expensive than locking them in institutions as was the practice a few generations ago.
CD commented
You don't have a child with a disability do you? There is so much more that goes on in a classroom for children with disabilities. Before you make comments like these, you need to do some more research. Kids with disabilities have every right to go to school!