Eliminate Extracurricular Athletics
I do not know how much extracurricular athetics cost taxpayers. If state education funding is at a critical point, lets eliminate this "nice" to have. If parents want their kids to participate in sports, enroll them in "club" sports.
I believe the state of Nevada eliminated athletics in junior highs, with the exception of boys and girls basketball.
Savings would come in: Coaching salaries, team uniforms, team equipments, travel, busing, janitorial contracts, wear and tear on school facilities.

Rhandi Aber commented
If something has to go it should be the extra things. Athletics are fun and I know that they keep kids out of trouble BUT if we are debating whether or not to cut sports or to cut academics then sports should go first. I send my kids to school so they are academically prepared for college there is no other alternative. If sports were cut from schools I could always put them in little league.
Sarah G. commented
I do not agree with this. Students that are in athlitec programs ate school do better in school because they have to keep their grades up in school to be able to be involved in the sport. They also help keep kids in school becuase some times that is the only reason why people stay n school. Yes there are some people that put their kids in "club"sports, but the "club" sports don't come at a cheap price. For many families they have more than one child and to get both your childs into "club"sports is really expensive and is not a opption. With most club sports familes have to pay for the uniform and all the equipment that goes with the sport. All of this paymanet doesn't include the travle that goes along with the sport to. So having sports in school s a good thing because it helps keep students grades up, keeps kids in school and is less expensive for families.
wefa commented
Athletics give students confidence and the ability to learn how to work in a team and be a good team player. The students also have to keep thier grades up to stay in the athletics. If you took it away, some students will have nothing to do and would waste away time causing trouble. KEEP athletics!!!!
Joe Swank commented
We are not Nevada either. Saying that, it is proven that athletics in schools do much more for the students then just giving them exercise. Lets stop acting like the state has finance problems and make them show us the CARFs........and use those funds.