Cover all state school districts' employees with state health insurance.
This allows all school districts to save huge sums of money by not having to negotiate for and pay the exorbitantly high costs for individual district health insurance plans. It also gives less expensive, better health coverage to ALL districts and their employees. Added Bonus: By covering education employees as a single state entity you effectively defang the "teachers union".

Theodore Guindon commented
This makes sense on the surface. Unions throught the nation are too out-of-control.
Steve Rayborn commented
In response to bjmac1's comment, I am not so sure that the existing state health coverage is "better" than all of the school district coverages. I do agree that as a single state entity including all school districts you should be able to negotiate a very good coverage package that would be less expensive for all state employees, including teachers.
Brent Crash Allen commented
I can't imagine how much we waste by not having somekind of statewide deal. I also understand that smaller districts have prohibitively expense costs to themselves and teachers. This just seems like a no-brainer to me. IF you save, say $100 bucks a month per teacher and just pass the money back to the employees, it's the same as a raise.