Create a standard set of school building blue prints
Local school boards are often responsible for the construction of new school buildings. Since this is often, not their area of expertise, how about creating a standard set of school building blue prints to be used by all school districts across the state. Blue prints drawing for elementary, middle, and high school would provide local school boards guidance on the realistic costs and time frames of a school building. The standardization of school building construction would save each local school board money as well as tax payers dollars.

Theodore Guindon commented
I agree! Also, in Japan (where the quality of education is very high), the school are very plain looking buildings (2 stories or more) with no grass or landscaping that has to be maintained. All playgrounds, football/soccer fields and other grounds are "sand." Rather than spending so much time and money on frivilous things that are eye pleasing and we are complaining about not having enough money for books, etc., maybe we should get back to basics.