Eliminate at least one administrator from most all school districts

Steve Rayborn commented
The consolidation of school districts would be an effective approach to this. Consolidation at the county level is a great start. Cut the number of school districts down from over 110 to 44. Eliminate the district management for only 3 schools which we have a great number of.
Jethro commented
I agree 100%! I think there should only be ONE administrator per district. I'm pretty sure the teachers can still teach without a bunch of administrators pushing paper around. So we cut a lot of fat out of the education system without having to cut field trips and teacher aids. Sounds like a perfect solution.
steve r commented
In our district we have 3 administrators taking about $250k out of our budget. One has changed job titles I beleive 3 times in the last 4 years. Do we really need all these positions when the teachers' pay is looking at to be cut?