Start School Later
Schools should start later; studies show that most teenagers do need more sleep. By starting the schools an hour later kids will be able to sleep longer, giving them more energy and therefore possibly increasing test scores. Another perk of starting later is that students may be more inclined to eat breakfast, which has been proven to help with weight loss. One issue that may be presented is that parents’ work schedules may not work well for this bell schedule, but the elementary schools already start later than the high schools. Maybe the older kids can even help out with getting the younger kids; there is no better birth control than poopy diapers.

Joe Swank commented
9-4 who only works 7 hours, make that 6 hours with an hour or lunch? I would say get rid of homework, have the teachers use the time they are given to accomplish al that needs to be done withing the school hours so the kids can have more family time. The kids should not have to do school work on non-school time. Focus on the family and many many of the problems in society will go away.
Tory Welfring commented
I'm going to have to agree with Adam on this one...
Becca W. commented
Even though some may stay up later, more practical students will use the extra hour to get to sleep at a reasonable time. Others may use this time to finish homework or prepare for an upcoming test, but any way around it this time will be used.
I would also like to point out that by starting later, the school schedule will better correlate more with the average adult work schedule. A 9-4 school day will prepare students for the working world that they will enter after school. It would also keep parents more involved in their childrens' lives. -
Adam commented
i am a high school student and if they made school later we would just stay up longer there by geting the same amount of sleep
Chelsea commented
i concur becca!!