Tobacco Tax
Want to balance the state budget? Try a Tobaccco Tax of $1.00 and watch the debt disappear. Other states have done it and it is working. Comparatively our state tobacco tax is on the lower as is. Raising it $1.00 would make a huge difference.

Joe Swank commented
I agree with Akazungu about making government smaller. People who do not smoke have no problem with raising taxes on those who do, how about we put a tax on soda drinks, that would raise enough tax money to fund the state for the next century? Raising taxes is and has never been a good way to govern. the old saying, "live within your means" should be adhered to by all, that includes the government.
Jenny Arnold commented
I agree that we should increase tax on tobacco. It is an unnessasary vice that people have. Might as well discourage tobacco use and help reduce the debt at the same time. as J.J said the demand for tobacco (if the people who are buying are addicted) is inelastic. Yes it sounds bad that we are counting on the peoples addiction to make money, but might as well take advantage of it.
J.J. commented
I think increasing the tax on tobacco is a great idea! Since the demand elasticity of demand is inelastic, this is a sure fired way to increase the state's revenue.
Akazungu commented
The longer we keep raising taxes when times are tough, the bigger government will get. Government should get smaller all the time, but if we can’t do that let’s at least make it smaller in the lean times.