Legalize Marijuana and tax it
If marijuana were legalized, the state could tax it. It would also free up law enforcement resources so they could focus on Meth and other more harmful substances. Some may say that Marjijuana is a 'gateway" drug. There is evidence on both sides of this argument.

alex commented
Idaho is in dire need for a new source of revenue. A perfectly sound solution to this problem is the legalization and taxation of marijuana. It is time to look past the outdated, incorrect medical stance on marijuana. When marijuana was illegalized the government used propaganda to surround marijuana with a cloud of bogus information, with recent studies marijuana has proven to have lower detrimental effects on the human body then both alcohol and tobacco. Yet both these drugs are legal and bring in huge amounts of tax revenue. I believe with the legalization and taxation of marijuana Idaho would get over this “recession” and also tax payers would no longer have to fork money over to the millions of citizens incarcerated for minor marijuana possession charges.
Estate commented
Making pot illegal is costly and ineffective. I agree it should be taxed and legalized.
danielo commented
I'm for legalization, against taxation.
Joe Swank commented
Yes the economic impact would be staggering, we have great land to grow this in Idaho to. Problem is the State has a hard time telling the federal government o stay out of our business. Lets take back our state, it's lands and our sovereignty.
Jeb Hardy commented
HERE, HERE. I fully agree with this. The use of marijuana has many benefits in the medical field. Its a natural contender against man made chemical drugs which are legal. Law enforcement could spend more time fighting against the real bad drugs like meth, and heroin.
Akazungu commented
This option would not only incrrease revenue to the State, it would result in a tremendous reduction in case load for; courts, public defenders, police, and prisons - all resulting in huge savings in the judicial/corrections sector of government.
Is this to include any and all controlled substances?