Eliminate Propery Taxes
Eliminate property taxes, we are only caretakers and never owners when property is taxed. It is a fundamental right for citizens to own land, property taxes takes that God given right away.

Joe Swank commented
Rhandi, yes property ownership was considered a fundamental right, but like you said, if you could afford it. The point is when this nation was founded if you could afford to buy property it became yours and yours alone, no one could take that property from you without your say so legally. today no one can own property but the federal government, if you think you own property stop paying your property tax and see who actually owns it.
Local governments can figure out another way to pay for services, they did not have any trouble with this before property taxes were introduced. I do pay plenty of taxes elsewhere, I do not get any services for free, good guilt trip try but it is not actually factual.
Rhandi Aber commented
Property ownership in NOT a fundamental right granted to all. The forefathers of this country deliberately altered John Locke’s cry for “Life, Liberty, and Property” to say “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. They recognized that property ownership is guaranteed only to those who can afford the investment. A wise decision I realize now that I can look back to the homeowners’ fiasco of the past few years. It would be nice if everyone could own their own little corner of this country but not at all possible. I say that if you do want to own a piece of this country then you should pay the government of this country to maintain the basic services desired by the majority. Joe it seems as if you like having the services offered to American citizens by their communities but you do not want to have to pay for them. Eliminating property taxes is not a feasible suggestion especially not during a recession when all budgets are being hacked away at. I am a property owner and I pay my taxes because it is my duty as a citizen and a human being to be sure that my community has the resources it needs to operate efficiently. I have never been hindered in my property ownership by taxes nor have I heard of anyone else opting out of buying a home because they didn't wish to pay taxes.
Joe Swank commented
I say let the local communities find another way to pay for these services. The fundamental rights for all to own their land should in no way be infringed, and taxing that is an infringement on that right. If you fail to pay the tax you lose the property, therefore you were just a caretaker for the government in the first place. Also the fuel tax should cover the roads, the fire department could have it's own tax, the courts could be funded with fines of if that does not work shut down 2 or three days a week, and as for law enforcement, buying or leasing new cars every year or two is one of he biggest wastes of money I have seen. As far as schools go, shut them down, there never was a requirement in the US constitution for a free education for our citizens. If the people vote for these things, they should have a way to pay for them that does not take any fundamental right away.
Terry Kramer commented
Always remember, the state receives no revenue from property tax. Property tax supports local government like law enforcement, local roads, courts, fire protection and school buildings. Many of the services are voted on and approved by the local people.