True transparancy
The state, cities, and counties should be required by law to publish and make available to the public the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report or CAFRs to show the citizens the true wealth of the state and stop leaving those items out of the budget.

Joe Swank commented
Thanks for the info taso, the info was not there when I posted.
taso.kinnas commented
Joe - The CAFR can be found at the State Controller's Website,
Go to Accounting -> Financial Reports & Public Information -> 2009 Finanical Reports for the FY 2009 CAFR.drylogic - You can see several budget/financial publications trough the Division of Financial Management website,
danielo commented
Yes, yes, yes.
Joe Swank commented
these are items withheld from the budget made publicly available, it is the investments in land and the return the state gets on interest from these investments that is worth billions that the state could use to fund everything without the use of taxpayer dollars. for more info
drylogic commented
This would need to be on every level, since many budgets only show the amount provided to an agency, and not the breakdown of how that agency spends those funds.
Ironically for the current year budget is a broken link... :P