Establish $.07 fee on plastic shopping bags.
This would represent around $30 million at our current rate of consumption of plastic bags. However, to the degree people reduce their use of plastic bags, the policy would strengthen our future by:
Reducing our dependence on foreign oil (bags are made from petroleum)
Reducing the contamination of our food chain (many countries, even China, ban plastic shopping bags because of their environmental & health impact)
Reducing our landfill requirements.
Retailers could be provided some compensation for collecting the bag fee.
With the number of good people losing jobs due to budget cuts, I am confident Idahoans are ready to step up and either pay this $.07 fee for the convenience of plastic bags or make the effort to do without them.

Alec commented
I think this is a brilliant idea! It would please all objectives set forth-- reduce oil use, waste, environmental dangers, and even budget problems. And "canyon county" is right... you're not even forced to pay it!
Seeing the effect the budget cuts will have on Idaho next year is motivating to promote revunue ideas just like this one. Our state needs it! -
canyoncounty commented
This is perfect. A tax no one is forced to pay. Just bring your own bags and woohoo no tax!
Cynthia Davis commented
This is great idea, thanks for post it!
Akazungu commented
We need a "vote against" button. Some small cohort of friends (or one person with multiple accounts) is voting this issue up.
Beth Mouser commented
Plastic bags are unnecessary. We should do what people have done for ages and brought their own sack or basket for shopping in markets and such. I have gotten into the habit of keeping 3 reuseable bags in my car and that is almost always enough to contain the groceries I am purchasing. I love not using plastic when's so easy. People who don't want to think about bringing a bag should pay for this luxury. Only 1% of plastic bags are ever recycled! We are breathing tiny, plastic particulates floating in the air...does this bother anyone else? Beth
danielo commented
I'm with Joe again. There is enough money wasted by the system now to handle the fiscal "issues" that seem to exist.
Joe Swank commented
How did this get 78 votes and only 6 comments,,,I smell a conspiracy....
Joe Swank commented
Yes JanetE, anytime you tax the citizen it is a bad idea.
JanetE commented
Is there something wrong with an idea that adds to revenue and cleans things up? I receive a discount in some stores for every bag I bring of my own, so I've got to think there are ways to effectively charge for bags as well.
NOITALL2010 commented
I agree with Joe S on this. I vote against this one. real reform and savings will come when IF the legislature tackles education.
Joe Swank commented
Where is the vote against button?
Joe Swank commented
How about we use the billions of dollars in hidden wealth the state has instead of pretending that we have budget problems. The idea of taxing the consumer for every little thing is an idea that only makes the citizen poorer and hurts the economy. If you do not like plastic bags, don't use them, but do not try to force everyone down that narrow road.
LucyLuLee commented
Is this suggestion a revenue builder or an environmental idea? If its an revenue builder, then it would need to apply to all "plastic bags" Walmart, Fred Meyer, Macys, etc. The infrastructure will need to be in place to itemize all bags, charge, and then return this revenue to the state. SOunds like another unit of bureaucracy.
If its an environmental idea, then ban all plastic bags. Force citizens to use the reusable cloth shopping bags instead of the plastic ones. The city of Seattle eliminated all plastic bags including those plastic bags folks use for their produce. Whats next? The plastic bags my frozen chicken wings are packaged in?