Propose state projects to improve our infrastructure so that Out of State businesses relocate here!!
Our schools, roads and city services need to reflect that we as a state are ready to grow! Do not look to one sector, as in tourism. Look for green, non-polluting businesses to relocate here because we have good schools, hospitals, Universities where they make sense to help THEM and our communities viable alternatives to other places.
Joe Swank commented
I would first say do not fall for the Great Global Warming Swindle. Use the resources we have. Attracting businesses from outside the state is good, but a better idea would be to use the great resources of our citizens to develop new and viable businesses within our state. A good freeway from the Canadian border to the Idaho/Nevada border would do wonders for the state n all different kinds of areas, from tourism to to law enforcement.
Michele Mucke commented
We have all said - why don't we have more freeways and larger roads to accommodate realistic travel from North to Southern Idaho... We need to form a united Idaho to attract businesses that can best use our natural diversity of resources and space for non-polluting uses! I am not suggesting Oil, coal or big Agra... they pollute and ruin resources. Wind, solar and alternatives to coal and oil can all be developed in our wide open spaces in the South and develop cold/ low light / low cost solar in our Northern areas ?! Partner with Canadian companies to bring their industries South ! Think outside our narrow view of what Idaho is and see what it can become :D !