Reduce admin costs by leverage video technology
Right now in the Meridian school district there are 3 assistants to the Superintendent covering North, South, East and West. These administrators provide oversight and a link to the District office. They spend their days on the road visiting each school. This is highly inefficient. There are about 36 schools and for oversight each administrator could handles 12 schools. A lot of time is lost in transit. From the District office to Lake Hazel is about 6 miles and takes 15 minutes each way. If 3 schools a day are visited in person there are considerable miles accumulated and valuable time lost when the administrator is not in their office and not at the school to be visited. This ads up to many man-hours lost and milage fees paid. A better alternative would be to use video conference links to allow administrators to visit the schools and meet selected personnel. This method has been highly successful in the federal government and no reason why it cannot work here. Greater communications mediums can also allow the district to reduce the administrative staff necessary to oversee the schools. If one district manager slot can be eliminated the savings to this one district can be $100,000 or greater. Multiply that by the districts throughout the state and you can see significant savings.
The same goes for in-service teaching. Instead of sending hundreds of teachers from the classroom to the district offices, the training came come directly into either the class or the auditorium at each school. This saves gas (the environment) time, reduces risk to staff of traffic accidents along the way) and generally improves efficiency.