Cut Coach Pete's pay, bsu should be more than football
Congratulations to Boise State on their Fiesta Bowl win. However I find it ridiculous that Coach Pete's annual salary is $1million plus all his fringe benefits!
The priority of this university is clearly evident by where it places its emphasis and $$$- FOOTBALL.
Maybe the state should implement a coaching cap at $500,000 (which is still a huge salary). Anything above that is paid for by private fundraising. If Coach Pete is worth a $1 million dollars or more, let the bronco faithful pay his salary, NOT ME the taxpayer.

Annie commented
While the football program brings in its own money, a lot of the money doesn't really go to the entire university. My mother is a professor of kinesiology at BSU and that department alone you think would get some of the money that the football program brings in considering it is conected with the idea of health and pe, however it doesn't, instead this whole department runs the risk of getting cut because they don't have enough funding and support. Meanwhile the football program has built an indoor practice stadium which has cut parking on that side of the campus down considerably and a sky box has been built. While the football program does bring in more potential students, and therefore earns the university a little more money, it isn't enough to offset the dapartments around campus that are suffering because all the focus is being put into sports programs. I agree that coach pete's salary should be cut, and to add to that i think coaches salaries in general should be cut, and use the extra money to put towards the schools, rather than cutting back on whole departments and teacher's salaries.
Theodore Guindon commented
I agree! There is no human being who is worth that much money unless he or she owns his/her own business: that includes David Letterman, Conan O'Brian.
Joe Swank commented
The Football program pays for itself, plus puts money into other aspects of BSU. Go Broncos.
bjmac1 commented
You really need to educate yourself about the State Education System....Coach Pete's pay is NOT paid by taxpayers the majority of his salary comes from Alumni and funds brought in BY the football team i.e. THE FIESTA BOWL Anyone who has done their homework knows that college football brings more money into the ENTIRE University than it does for its own program. A winning program entices Alumni to invest their hard earned $ in their almamatur as a whole... Plus the excitement over BSU has people around the country talking about Boise....that might even help our economy.