Legislators = Part Time employees = They pay more for benefits
Legislators are part time employees of the State of Idaho. Part time state employees received an increase in their health insurance premiums. This increase needs to be passed on to all legislators receiving state funded health care. Constituents should demand this of their elected officials!!!

r. smith commented
It's not just your legislators getting taxpayer supported group health and retirement...Your local city council get it also. That means your $ is spent to furnish their health care and retirement. Who is paying yours?
sarah commented
i totally agree... its not fair for Legislatures being part time employees to get premium health care.
Wayne H Weiner commented
These part timers are getting better benefits in some cases than full time employees. It's time to stop this unfair practice. Wayne
Theodore Guindon commented
I agree!
Joe Swank commented
I for one do not agree with term limits, I believe that voters should be free to choose who represents them and for how long. voters will get what they deserve when they keep voting in the same incompetent people over and over.
Jethro commented
You're talking about the same legislators that voted down term limits. Expecting any kind of equality out of the legislature is simply a waste of time.
Megan Butler commented
danielo commented
Again, I side with Joe (and Debbie) on this. Legislators should be treated as the SERVANTS they are.
Joe Swank commented
I agree with Debbie, but would expand that to include everything. the Legislators are citizens elected to represent the citizens, they should not be held in a higher esteem then any other citizen.
Debbie commented
Constituents should demand Legislators be treated like ALL other state employees, not only in the benefits issue. If state employees take a pay cut or pay more for benefits, Legislators should be required to also.