General Government
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62 results found
Create Division of Natural Resources
Consolidate depts. of Fish&Game, Parks, Lands, etc. Will make it so all have common administrative services in Boise. This will reduce replication of these services in each department. Then can appoint political person for division head and actually hire dept. heads that have knowledge and experience in their fields that can run depts.efficiently not mess it all up with ignorance. Why have politicians running our natural resources when they have NO idea what they are doing. Would never hire someone who runs feed lot to manage computer business, but have people managing parks with no knowledge of park management. If…
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state vehicles
I would just like to say that I have a problem with the state cutting the education funding while the Fish and Game are driving around all new vehicles. I have seen brand new, loaded to the gills Ford and Chevy pickups with the F&G stickers on the side. How come they are buying new rigs when the state is supposed to be "pinching pennies"? There are too many wasteful things going on and our state govt. is letting this happen. I think the people of this state need to stand up for themselves against a wasteful govt. Why do…
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Reducing postal costs for PCS clients, as well as all Health and Welfare payments
Each week we receive two mailings relating the data about our reimbursement for the week. It would reduce costs to mail once every 2 weeks, and notify concerning direct deposit payments electronically. If I wanted a mailing, I wouldn't have direct deposit.
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Change the way we assist with food.
Some different ideas: Take the money available to assist with food and divide it between those that have applied that month.
Instead of giving people cards to buy whatever they want have places where they can come pick up commodities. Start with produce from our state, potatoes, beans, fruit, dairy etc.
Cut back the money given and teach them if required how to cook. Counties already have instructors to do this. I do not know any family that spends the amount that those that get assistance get.
For example I know a family with three small children. They get nearly…4 votes -
Make Dept of Agriculture - user fee funded
The State Dept of Agriculture services a little over 25,000, mainly corporate farms in Idaho. Out of 40 Million dollar budget, 10 million comes from the General fund. Moving this 10 million to user fees, would be a simple and fair process as we look to move other agencies that have direct user benefits to self-funding. Agriculture in Idaho is already provided property tax exemptions, sales tax exemptions and income tax exemptions. It seems only fair that farms in Idaho should start paying their own way. This would have little effect on small family farms, they received little percentage of…
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4 votes
senators should be appointed
I believe that we should change both the US constitution and the Idaho constitution and have the Senators be appointed again like the original intent of the framers was. The role of the Senator has been change and not for the good, the senator should not be representing the interests of the people but that of the state, while the representatives will represent the people.
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3 votes
Education: Public Schools & Universities spend the most Cut nickel & dime expenses.
Schools & Universities spend by far the most, I do not propose we cut hours that cuts income and cuts spending. However there are things that can be cut, for example I know that public schools and Universities leave lights on in gyms and class rooms when they are not being used. Implement strict guidelines for those types of things, if we take 703 public schools and each saves 2% in their budget not by cutting salaries but adjusting the spending on a few little things that is a savings of 24 million dollars alone. Colleges And Universities are the…
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Why don't we go to a single license plate vehicle tag?
A single plate on the rear of the vehicle.
Illinois says that it will save the state between $750,000 and a million, annually.19 states are already adopted this system
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Online services gap annalysis.
Idaho’s citizens have access to dozens of online services however, the state has gaps in its online portfolio. To improve cabinet level administrative services the state should identify online projects that can decrease costs, generated additional revenue, and improved customer service. Services like criminal background checks, temporary vehicle license plates, driver license renewals, Inmate banking, payments to state Universities any kind of permitting (AG, DEQ etc.) or a central payment center for all agencies.
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Video Lottery Terminals
Idaho should allow private companies to build Video Lottery Terminals. video Lottery teriminals are like a computerized scratch-off tickets. They are hooked up to a ceteralized system
Idaho should allow private companies to build Video Lottery Terminals. Video Lottery terminals are like a computerized scratch-off tickets. They are hooked up to a centralized computer system and instead of players playing against the house they are playing against each other. The Idaho lottery commission would be in control of the centralized computer system while private companies would manage the terminals.
There are three main benefits I would like to highlight
The…3 votes -
Well i have a suggestion to prevent fraud and cons involving debit cards and money.
i have figured out that you could decress the amount of money frauds by simply using a fingerprint id scheme. You could possibly do this in medc. To set it up , you put a finger pad device at every cash point machine so it can get more people set up . Also bying things ofline could occour if you get a usb finger pad plug in . this will stop fraud because there are no codes or cards involved . if you have a cut on your finger then this is why you will register with more than one…
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Stop waisting money on ground breaking and dedication cerimonies for highway projects
Why do we need to have a cerimony or a dedication for basic infrastructure? Sign the needed documents and get to work, when the work is done, open the road. we really don't need any kudos for doing the job that is expected.
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Reduce Idaho state tax exemptions by 25% which will bring in over twice the budget deficit.
Most of our state tax exemptions should be eliminated. Without these exemptions our state fund would be increased by around 1.5 billion dollars. If we just reduced it by 25% we would have more than enough money to pay for our schools and the other budget items.
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Tax Services
Why not put a sales tax on services, no sales tax on food or clothing. this would increase the revenue as well as place the tax more fairly on those who have and help those who have not.
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make local offices again
I no longer have a worker at our local office. I have to call 800 numbers to talk about my account. why not make local people again and get rid of the call centers. That would save a bunch of money as it would decrease workers.
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Dont go to 4 day schhool Week! "Donate a Dollar" box, change it to give $10, $5, or $1 to the State
I just found out that the Boise Schools will be going to a 4 day week next year due to cuts ordered by the Gov. I hope the Gov and the legislators realize that they might be cutting the budget but they also are taking money directly from the parents of the students. I am a parent of 2 children. My wife, or I or will either have to take a day off from work or pay day care for my 2 children. This will add up to several hundred dollars a month. We cannot afford this! Please rethink this…
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Propose state projects to improve our infrastructure so that Out of State businesses relocate here!!
Our schools, roads and city services need to reflect that we as a state are ready to grow! Do not look to one sector, as in tourism. Look for green, non-polluting businesses to relocate here because we have good schools, hospitals, Universities where they make sense to help THEM and our communities viable alternatives to other places.
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Consolidate the University System
There are three state universities in Boise! Idaho should have one university system for administration purposes. Also, classes should be readily transferrable from one university to another.
2 votes
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