Joe Swank
My feedback
55 results found
2 votes
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4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
Lets just eliminate the property tax all together and allow actual ownership of property.
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
Why not just tax the air you breath?
12 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
Rhandi, yes property ownership was considered a fundamental right, but like you said, if you could afford it. The point is when this nation was founded if you could afford to buy property it became yours and yours alone, no one could take that property from you without your say so legally. today no one can own property but the federal government, if you think you own property stop paying your property tax and see who actually owns it.
Local governments can figure out another way to pay for services, they did not have any trouble with this before property taxes were introduced. I do pay plenty of taxes elsewhere, I do not get any services for free, good guilt trip try but it is not actually factual.
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
I say let the local communities find another way to pay for these services. The fundamental rights for all to own their land should in no way be infringed, and taxing that is an infringement on that right. If you fail to pay the tax you lose the property, therefore you were just a caretaker for the government in the first place. Also the fuel tax should cover the roads, the fire department could have it's own tax, the courts could be funded with fines of if that does not work shut down 2 or three days a week, and as for law enforcement, buying or leasing new cars every year or two is one of he biggest wastes of money I have seen. As far as schools go, shut them down, there never was a requirement in the US constitution for a free education for our citizens. If the people vote for these things, they should have a way to pay for them that does not take any fundamental right away.
Joe Swank shared this idea ·
39 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
Thanks for the info taso, the info was not there when I posted.
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
these are items withheld from the budget made publicly available, it is the investments in land and the return the state gets on interest from these investments that is worth billions that the state could use to fund everything without the use of taxpayer dollars. for more info
Joe Swank shared this idea ·
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
so called crimes that harm no-one were put on the books to provide revenue to the cities, counties and the state.
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
The government was not instituted to get gain from the citizens. There are better things for the police to be doing then to be the revenue collector for the city, county or state governments.
41 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
Finish school then go study the law. there is already a law or regulation and a fine for inattentive driving on the books.
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
So if we make our homes all DC we could do this right?
14 votes
Joe Swank shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
CM, where did the tabacco industry get this money in the first place?
Kenny, where does the federal government get it's money?
you both missed the point of my comment, it was to say to Lucy saying they sponsor more then just one thing in their campaign. I personally believe it is a good campaign as long as it does not use public money to fund it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
They sponsor a race car also, so what would be the difference?
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
The fact is most computer equipment is donated by the private sector to the schools, thus outside of the power required to run them and the internet, the cost to the schools is relatively small.
23 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
9-4 who only works 7 hours, make that 6 hours with an hour or lunch? I would say get rid of homework, have the teachers use the time they are given to accomplish al that needs to be done withing the school hours so the kids can have more family time. The kids should not have to do school work on non-school time. Focus on the family and many many of the problems in society will go away.
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
I agree with Akazungu about making government smaller. People who do not smoke have no problem with raising taxes on those who do, how about we put a tax on soda drinks, that would raise enough tax money to fund the state for the next century? Raising taxes is and has never been a good way to govern. the old saying, "live within your means" should be adhered to by all, that includes the government.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
The school system should not be your babysitter. Saying that, I am for elliminating the public school system as a whole and turning it over to the private sector, since 1. the prvate sector normally is more efficient then te government and 2. the Constitution does not guarantee a free education for anyone.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
How about we just stop dying the fuels in the first place and stop pretending this effects the environment.
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
No new taxes.........
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
Good idea with one exception, there are doctors who need to be sued due to incompetence. Plus the state should be sued for promoting the con of immunizations that are known to be bad and include such things as human fetus cells, I wonder how many of our citizens like their kids shot up with human fetus cells...
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
Just eliminate those taxes altogether...
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joe Swank commented
That would be good if it worked, but when you add something like a generator and some torque it will probably fail.
Why would we want to get rid of the dams in Idaho, without those we might just as well go back to being a desert state of dry farmers..
that would work if there was a good performance clause written into those contracts.